​Discovering The JUUL Party Mode – How To Activate A Secret Feature

May 29, 2023

Electronic cigarettes are not all about the feeling of smoking – it is not just about inhaling and exhaling. Specific top models come with plenty of bells and whistles; other can certainly make the difference. While it may sound like a myth, the so-called JUUL party mode is actually reality.

Discovering the JUUL party mode

Surprisingly enough, lots of people rely on JUUL devices without being aware of the party mode JUUL. They enjoy the vaping experience, but little do they know about JUUL bringing in this mode without massively advertising for it. The feature is waiting to be discovered, whether you learn how to do it yourself or you trigger it accidentally.

It is worth noting there are two versions of the JUUL rainbow mode. On the same note, there are two ways to turn them on.

Now, what are the steps to get into the party mode?

How to enable the JUUL party mode while taking a hit

This is the easiest way to turn the party mode on. It is simple, safe, and will most likely draw some positive attention. So, how to put JUUL in party mode?

Total Time: 1 minute

Fully Charge JUUL

The JUUL device must be fully charged before trying it. It does not work with a small battery percentage, yet it will work even if the battery is not full – make sure it is close to full. You can have a full or empty pod – this is just practice.

Inhale from your JUUL

Inhale from your JUUL device and watch the common white light turning on – nothing unusual so far.

Remove the device from your mouth and start waving it back and forth

You will notice the white light changes its color, and it goes into a plethora of different colors. This is how you activate it. From this point on, you can drag and wave your device and you will experience the beauty of JUUL flashing colors.

How to permanently enable the JUUL party mode

Apart from running the JUUL party mode whenever you want after a throat hit, you can also enable it permanently, meaning those flashing colors will always kick in. Here are the steps to do it right.

  1. The device should be fully or almost fully charged. The lights will not go on if the battery is almost dead. Plus, they will obviously require more power than the classic white light. Again, it makes no difference if the pod is full or not.
  2. Enabling the JUUL rainbow mode starts with taking a drag. You will notice the classic white light going on.
  3. Remove the device from your mouth and slap it against your palm a few times. You have to do it quickly, but also firmly – nothing to worry about, it will not break down. Do it for a few seconds until you see the JUUL flashing colors.

The bottom line, learning how to put JUUL in party mode is not that difficult. It is one of the tricks that make this vaping device so popular, whether you want to impress your friends or make some magic happen.​​

Related: Best JUUL Alternative On The Market – Any Good Options Out There?

Michael Ladek

Michael Ladek

I am the CEO of Vaposearch and one of the main authors. My primary goal has always involved promoting healthier alternatives to those trapped by nicotine addiction. I am based in Lautersheim, Germany, and started this venture as soon as I turned to vape, after 15 years of smoking

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