Boundless CF Vaporizer
The Boundless brand sets itself apart from other brands in terms of ingenious design, high-tech technology, and above all, pocket-friendly prices. This is exactly what its CF vaporizer reflects. It looks similar to Crafty and Mighty vaporizer units designed for dry herbs but it comes at a fraction of the price.
CF is a brilliant hybrid vaporizer supporting both convection and conduction and heating herbs and concentrated extracts in the added concentrate pod. It is discreet and fairly pocketable but is not ultra-portable as PAX 3. It is small and wide yet fits into your palm smoothly and with grip.
In terms of performance, CF is comparable with its elder brother, CFX, the latter vaporizing only dry herbs. Unlike most portables demanding a particular grind or loading style, they work well with any amount of load, grind, and packing (loose or tight). However, the CF’s chamber has a large capacity for longer sessions.
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